miercuri, ianuarie 22, 2025

Rebranding Creativity 2019 aduce nouă consultanți, experți și academicieni de talie globală în inovație, creativitate și leadership al schimbării, din șase tări și de pe trei continente în Cluj-Napoca, România


Anul acesta, Rebranding Creativity – prima conferință de Applied Creativity și Creative-Problem-Solving din Europa Centrală și de Est, organizată de asociația profesională Crea-Est și susținută de RSM Romania, în calitate de partener strategic al evenimentului, aduce nouă consultanți, experți și academicieni de talie globală în inovație, creativitate și leadership al schimbării, din șase tări și de pe trei continente în Cluj-Napoca, România.

Cei nouă consultanți, experți și academicieni de talie globală în inovație, creativitate și leadership al schimbării care vor veni pe 13 și 14 septembrie în Cluj-Napoca pentru a facilita două  zile de training intensive sunt: Clara Kluk, Tim Hurson, Elizabeth Talerman, Laura Switalski, Tim Switalski, Ismet Mamnoon, Dorte Nielsen, Ingrid deClerq și Gui Sarkis.

Clara Kluk is a global innovation expert with more than 20 years of experience, who has worked with medium and large organizations across Mexico, Latin America Europe and Asia, facilitating creative and innovative thinking, helping manage change and transition, and enhancing teamwork and leadership. Clara is also the co-founder of the Center for the Certification in Creativity.

Tim Hurson is a Global innovation Expert, Speaker & Author who has helped Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 organizations in the US, Canada, and the UK create innovation, marketing, new product, and workplace transformation programs. He is a faculty member of the Creative Education Foundation, a founding director of Facilitators Without Borders, and one of the founders of Mindcamp.

Elizabeth Talerman is a Brand and Organizational Strategy Expert that has worked, over the past 30 years, with innovation leaders across the globe from Johnson & Johnson, Unicef, Fisher-Price, The Prince of Wales Foundation, IBM, Pepsi, Columbia Sportswear, Stimson Center, MacArthur Foundation, Harvard Business School, United Way and more. She teaches in the School of Visual Arts Masters in Branding program, and is a frequent lecturer at Barnard College.

Laura Switalski is a creativity expert and author who works as a facilitator, trainer and coach with organizations across North America, Central America, and Europe to facilitate creativity and innovation, help manage change and transition, and enhance teamwork and leadership. She is a founding member of CREA Conference, and the co-founder of the Center for Certification in Creativity.

Tim Switalski is a creative leadership expert and facilitator who has worked with several multinational corporations across the globe, providing training, facilitation, coaching and consulting services to international clients focusing on the areas of Emotional Intelligence, Change Leadership, Creativity and Innovation. He is a founding partner of the Center for Certification in and one of the founding members of CREA Conference.

Ismet Mamnoon is a creative parenting and innovation catalyst who has worked with large organizations, governments, educators, parents, and children all over the world – in the USA, Canada, Europe, Latin America, and Asia. Ismet holds an M.S. in Creativity from the International Center for Studies in Creativity and is a certified facilitator of FourSight, MBTI, Polarity Thinking, and Accelerated Learning.

Dorte Nielsen is a global creative education expert who has been teaching creativity and creative thinking at the Danish School of Media and Journalism, in Denmark, for the past 12 years. Apart from teaching, she delivers fully tailor-made Creative-Problem-Solving workshops for companies, as a consultant and a facilitator, and she has authored several books on the topic of creativity and creative thinking.

Ingrid deClerq is an expert in the people side of innovation who works on projects focused on culture change, building entrepreneurial teams, developing innovation programs for larger companies, and building HR in young, innovative companies. Ingrid is a lecturer on team composition for entrepreneurial teams at the Imperial College, London, the University of Brussels (VUB) and the Erasmus College in Brussels.  

Gui Sarkis is a creative leadership facilitator who helps leaders in organizations enhance and use their creativity to solve wicked hard problems. As an expert in Design Thinking, Creative Problem Solving, and many other innovation frameworks and assessments, Gui has worked with large organizations, small businesses, and startups, designing and facilitating educational journeys for his clients.

Timp de două zile, cei nouă facilitatori de talie globală vor ajuta 100 de profesioniști să își antreneze gândirea creativă, una dintre cele mai importante abilități profesionale și personale pentru viitor (conform World Economic Forum).

Conferința Rebranding Creativity 2019 se desfășoară în limba engleză și are loc pe 13 și pe 14 septembrie, în cadrul Facultății de Științe Economice și Gestiunea Afacerilor (FSEGA) a Universității Babeș-Boylai din Cluj-Napoca, pe Str. Teodor Mihali, nr. 58-60, la etajul 1.

Biletele pentru acces la eveniment sunt puse în vânzare pe platforma Eventbrite.


Despre Asociația Crea-Est

CREA-EST este o asociație profesională, care susține și contribuie la dezvoltarea gândirii creative (a creativității) ca mindset, skillset și toolset pentru inovație în business, educație, și societate (prin politici publice) – atât în România, cât și în Europa Centrală și de Est. Asociația CREA-EST este organizatorul conferinței anuale de creativitate aplicată Rebranding Creativity.

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