sâmbătă, mai 4, 2024

ThatDevSpace Opens First Location in Cluj


A Coworking Hub built for developers by developers.

ThatDevSpace is hosting a preview event Open House on Thursday May 4th and inviting tech and development groups, media, and developers to come and experience a taste of what their uniquely developer focused concept feels like.  Opening full time soon, ThatDevSpace offers a full-service membership to individual and collaborative working spaces, along with event and conference rooms and areas to relax and play (the video game room is very popular).  ThatDevSpace will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for its members.   Non-members will be able to purchase day passes and rent one the conference rooms to host their meetups, classes, or events.  Membership will be limited, and there will be a wait list once initial capacity is reached.


ThatDevSpace seeks to provide independent developers an environment where they can grow their ideas from playground to production, building successful businesses from sandboxes, and just collaborate and network with like minded individuals.  The intention was to provide a warm, but modern place that had none of the feel of an office – and all of the comfort of a favorite coffee house – without the loudness and distraction.

Please join us from 6pm to 9pm at Str.Brasov nr.37, Cluj Napoca, 400072, Cluj on Thursday May 4th.  We will be hosting a welcome event to the space along with our local partners: [enter partner names here]  that are all providing services and fun stations for everyone to enjoy as they tour the space.

The team responsible for ThatDevSpace got its start with a global web hosting company, that included a great development team located here in Cluj.  After developing a world class Cloud product they ended up selling to a larger hosting company.  The only issue was, they really enjoyed working together.  In fact, they enjoyed working together so much that they decided they didn’t want it to end.  Hence, ThatDevSpace came to be.  It is truly a co-working space built for developers, by developers.

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